Lace Up Your Skates & Let’s Get You on the Ice!
Learn to Skate USA is a standardized progressive curriculum designed to help skaters of all ages and abilities master the fundamentals of ice skating, while having fun in a safe, supportive, and encouraging environment that values hard work and dedication. Skaters age 3 through adult, are kept enthusiastic about learning from the time they begin lessons until the time they reach their goals. GPFSC’s program ensures that EVERYONE from preschoolers to adults, beginners to competitors, and skaters with physical and intellectual challenges can learn how to skate. Whether skaters want to achieve Olympic fame or simply enjoy the recreational benefits of skating, this is where it all begins!
Learn the FUNdamentals First, then Move into the Pensacola Junior Ice Flyers “Learn to Play” Program
Our Club’s endorsement by USA Hockey paved the way for our new partnership with the Pensacola Junior Ice Flyers (PJIF). GPFSC runs programming for aspiring hockey skaters looking to learn the fundamentals of skating first to then move into the Pensacola Junior Ice Flyers Learn to Play program! WE’LL LET YOU IN ON A LITTLE SECRET…many skaters who are already in PJIF’s Learn to Play program take full advantage of our ice time and sign up for our Hockey Power Skating & Hockey Agility classes to get an extra edge up on other players!
LEARN TO SKATE USA MAGAZINE: “How Players Can Improve Skills & Power with Fundamentals”
NHL NEWS: “Figure Skating Coaches Helping NHL Players Improve”
EVERYONE Can Learn How to Skate, Including Those with Physical & Intellectual Challenges
In the Fall of 2022, GPFSC began offering an Adaptive Skating Program specifically for skaters with physical and intellectual challenges. We are overjoyed to witness first-hand the life changing impact it is having on our community! There are truly no words to describe the pure joy, sense of freedom and magical felling being on the ice provides to these individuals and their families! GPFSC has very high hopes and a deep desire to one day soon provide a stable, consistent environment year-round for ESPECIALLY for our beloved Adaptive Skaters.H
GPFSC Contracts Ice From the Pensacola Bay Center (approx. October – April)
Adaptive & Special Olympics: (All Ages) Specifically designed to allow individuals with a range of physical & intellectual challenges to thrive while learning to skate! Through skating & artistic development within our program, skaters will construct a foundation to build success & thrive in life on & off the ice. It is GPFSC’s mission to remove all barriers to participation to ensure EVERYONE has the opportunity to skate!
NEW! Ice Explorers: (Ages 2 ½ – 3 ½ ) This is a great introductory family program where children begin with an introduction to the rink alongside their parents. They then begin learning key skills off the ice, including falling & getting up, dips & marching. By the end of this program, skaters are stepping onto the ice more confidently & ready to learn. Skaters advance to
Snowplow Sam classes on their own when they are ready.
Snowplow Sam 1-4: (Ages 3-6) These introductory classes are divided into 4 progressive levels allowing children with no prior experience to build confidence & control while learning the basic skills of skating. All Snowplow Sam levels focus on the ABCs of Movement: Agility, Balance, Coordination & Speed essential for developing fundamental movement skills & physical literacy. Classes incorporate fun & games making class time an enjoyable experience for all. Snowplow Sam 1 introduces skills of marching across the ice, gliding, proper falls & standing techniques. Snowplow Sam 2 introduces swizzles, dips, & stronger forward & backward skating. Snowplow Sam 3 & 4 introduces backward swizzles, snowplow stops, & one-foot gliding.
Basic 1: (Ages 7+) Perfect for Beginners! Skaters learn proper falling & standing skills, forward & backward skating, two-foot glides, hopping, & beginning stops. Children learn to be comfortable on skates & really enjoy the ice. Recommended for figure skating & hockey.
Basic 2: (Ages 7+) This class introduces one-foot glides, backward glides, backward swizzles, two-foot turns from forward to backward, & a moving snowplow stop. Recommended for figure skating & hockey.
Basic 3: (Ages 7+) This class refines the correct use of the skate blade & includes forward stroking, backward one-foot glides, one-foot pumps, introduction to cross-overs. Recommended for figure skating & hockey.
Basic 4: (Ages 7+) This begins the advanced levels of basic skating. Skaters learn how to use both the inside and outside edges of the blade, forward cross-overs both clockwise and counter-clockwise, proper backward stroking, a backward snowplow stop and two-foot spins. Recommended for figure skating & hockey.
Basic 5: (Ages 7+) This class begins backward cross-overs in both directions, 3-turns, the hockey stop, backward outside and inside edges on a circle, and a one-foot spin with up to 3 revolutions. Recommended for figure skating & hockey.
Basic 6: (Ages 7+) This class includes advanced turns, T-stops, bunny hops, spirals, & lunges. Recommended for figure skating & hockey. Upon completion of of Basic 1-6 levels, those interested in figure skating will advance to the Free Skate levels comprised of progressive skills, transitions, spins & jumps.
Free Skate Levels: (Ages 7+) Once you have mastered the FUNdamentals in Basic 1-6, figure skaters will advance to the Pre-Free Skate level & then Free Skate 1-6. Each Free Skate Level is comprised of a variety of progressive skills, step sequences, transitions, spins & jumps – all of which build upon the previous skill providing skaters a strong foundation of all elements. All basic jumps, spins & footwork to become a competitive figure skater are covered while working on the Free Skate 2-6 levels. Instructors focus on quality & mastery of skills.
Adult 1-6: (Ages 17+) Designed for both beginning & experienced adult skaters! Participation will help promote physical fitness & improve balance & coordination while teaching proper skating techniques. Skills to be introduced are falling, recovery, forward strides, glides, backward skating, two-foot glides, & forward chasses. Divided into 6 levels from beginner to more advanced, skaters will progress at an individual rate while being challenged & motivated. Based on prior experience, adult may choose to being at the level that best matches their skill base.
Hockey 1-4: (AGES 7+) Learn the fundamentals of skating first then move into the Pensacola Junior Ice Flyers “Learn to Play” program!
Designed to teach the fundamentals of hockey skating, these 4 badge levels will teach skaters how to be more proficient, quick, agile, and efficient on the ice. Proper techniques for the game of hockey are the primary focus and all elements are taught without a puck. This curriculum helps skaters understand the importance of developing skills on both sides, right & left & clockwise & counterclockwise. Skaters will learn basic hockey stance, stride, knee bend, use of edges, & the necessary fundamentals to be successful in hockey practices & game situations. A strong foundation is essential to a successful hockey player!
LEARN TO SKATE USA MAGAZINE: “How Players Can Improve Skills & Power with Fundamentals”
NHL NEWS: “Figure Skating Coaches Helping NHL Players Improve”
HOCKEY POWER SKATE | Skaters Enrolled in Hockey 3-4
CERTAINLY A CLASS NOT TO MISS…Get an edge up on other players!
Utilizing the long axis, Hockey Power Skating focuses on:
• Powerful backward C-cuts
• Forward alternating crossovers down the long axis with wide step transitions
• Forward power hockey turns/tight glide turns
• 180-& 360- degree turns
• Lateral pivots
• Fast stops & starts using powerful full strides
• Fast backward skating with quick backward v-stops alternating feet
HOCKEY AGILITY (ADVANCED) | Must Be Passed Hockey 4
CERTAINLY A CLASS NOT TO MISS…Get an edge up on other players!
Utilizing the long axis, Hockey Power Agility focuses on:
• 30 second quick shift sprints
• Forward C cuts to hockey stop
• Backward C cuts to 2 foot V stop
• Mohawk getting low touching ice with hands inside edges (both ways)
• Mohawk outside edges around quarter-half circle
• Forward cross-over to inside knee touch (both directions)
• Backward one leg C cuts around circle outside leg (both directions)
ASPIRE – Spins/Spirals/Jumps: Now that you’ve mastered the basics, take your skating skills to the next level focusing on spins, spirals, and jumps offered in 2 levels, Basic or Advanced. This outstanding program teaches you how to effectively use your skate’s toe pick for turns, twirls, leaps, along with other amazing figure skating moves. Must be an ASPIRE Member & Pre/Free Skate or higher to register.
ASPIRE – Moves in the Field (MIF): (Pre-Preliminary Level) An essential class for EVERY figure skater who has mastered the basics! Moves in the Field is one of U.S. Figure Skating’s test tracks in which the “Test Structure” is considered the foundation of U.S. Figure Skating or the “backbone of U.S. Figure Skating.” There is a total of 8 different MIF levels with each level in the series building upon the one before it. This class will focus on the first level “Pre-Preliminary.” All levels test the skater’s ability focusing on accuracy, posture, carriage, bilateral movement, strength, power, extension, edge quality, continuous flow, quickness & turn execution. Each different test level has several set patterns of turns, edges, spirals, & steps that get progressively more difficult. Levels consists of 4 to 6 set patterns. Skaters perform skills in both clockwise & counter- clockwise directions, on both the right & left feet, on both inside & outside edges. Skaters at the lowest level begin learning the stroking technique, basic consecutive edges, spirals & a “waltz eight” pattern with two easy turns. Must be an ASPIRE Member & Pre/Free Skate or higher to register.
The Greater Pensacola Figure Skating Club recently purchased brand new Jackson Ultima Rental Skates which come with many elite rental features. Focusing on comfort & durability, our fleet of rental skates are the key to having an enjoyable experience & maximize the most of your time on the ice. Members in need of rental skates are able to do so for only $4 per day or rental skates can be secured with any group class package for a given session. Any rentals must be paid in full prior to taking the ice.